Saturday, 30 November 2019


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√ Testo | Testi canzoni | - RADWIMPS su Rockol

I can tell you, from my heart, you picked the right guy Right day, right place, on exactly the right time The reason is because I might be that radwikps Who felt this way, who felt this fate. Nome Compilare il campo Nome. I can tell you from my heart, you picked the right guy Right day, right place, on exactly the right time Well Even if you didn't, you'll never find out Because you won't meet other guy, As long as you'll be with me. Yes I believe in a miracle, but there's nothing so in particular But I found the words radwims show this feeling It's not because that I' m spiritual and I know that it's not perpetual But I found the words to show, and now I know whom Rqdwimps am for.

Queste azioni richieste sono in linea raadwimps l'adeguamento al regolamento GDPR in vigore dal 25 Maggio Inserisci l'indirizzo e-mail fornito in fase raewimps registrazione e richiedi il reset della password. Consenso esplicito Ci occorre da parte tua l'accettazione esplicita dei nostri termini di servizio. Yes I believe in a miracle, but there's nothing so in particular But I found the words to show this feeling I know you might feel pathetical, and my story worth of those critical But I've nothing sorry for, I have nothing more to know.

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AZ | Radwimps - lyrics (Radwimps 3 ~無人島に持っていき忘れた一枚~ Album)

Per poter seguire i tag o gli artisti e permetterci di fornirti contenuto personalizzato in base alle tue preferenze, occorre il tuo consenso esplicito in ottemperanza alla direttiva GDPR. I'll live your life and you'll live mine Our marriage must be fine. I can tell you from my heart, you picked the right guy Right day, right place, on exactly the right time The reason is because I might be that guy Who felt this way, radwimpz fate, will you marry me.


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